Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Alarm Tripping Scream

Wow! Our morning routine is often rushed but generally fairly mundane. Not today! Did you know a 4 year old boy can produce a scream of the exact pitch and frequency to trigger a glass break sensor on a home alarm system? Believe me - it's true!

Today we started our day pretty much like any other day. After I fixed the boys each a bowl of the same type cereal in identical color bowls with the same color spoons things got interesting. First Isaac had wanted to carry his bowl of cereal and milk to the table himself. I chose to avoid the inevitable clean up and carried it for him. If you don't already know it, Isaac is one very determined and very short fused little 2 year old. Not letting him carry his own cereal to the table was completely unacceptable and in his mind, justifiable cause for throwing himself down on the floor in a full blown tantrum. Surprisingly avoiding the drama, Grant stepped around him, sat down to the table and began eating. Of course Grant chose to sit in the exact spot Isaac thought was his. Isaac jumped up to defend his place and they started to bicker back and forth like brothers do. At this point I chose to ignore the whole scene and continued preparing lunches for their day at preschool. Then it happened... Grant let out this incredible scream!
Now I'm ready to get involved. Grant has a tendancy, at least where his brother or mother are involved, to scream or cry the moment something doesn't go his way. He has an amazing vocabulary but it all slips right out of his mind the second he encounters frustration and I'm always reminding him to stop and use words. I didn't get that far this morning. Grant screamed so loud with such a high pitch that it actually tripped the glass break sensors on our alarm system! So as I race around the kitchen counter, Isaac's still having a crying fit, Grant is screaming and crying and our alarm starts blaring in it's own high pitch! Before I can reset the alarm the phone is ringing. Of course the phone is nowhere to be found and the answering machine picks up before I can. I finally got the answering machine turned off, gave the man from the monitoring company the password and convinced him that amidst all the noise we were really ok. I was completely ready to give Grant the business for this outrageous scream when he showed me the mark on his arm where Isaac bit him REALLY HARD. Seriously?! All over a bowl of cereal?!? What a way to start the day.

Anyone still wondering why I'm calling our blog the Funny Farm?

Note - I also got results from Grant's hearing and vision screening at school. His eyes were fine but he didn't pass the hearing screening. He's going to be rescreened in three weeks and we'll get a referral if it doesn't go better next time. I requested the screening because I've had some concern. He's had so many ear infections in the past year and battles allergies and congestion continuously. It's so hard to know when a kid his age isn't listening or isn't hearing. Please pray that he just had some congestion or something this time around and that the next screening goes well. I'll let you all know when we get those results. Thanks!


KC said...

Oh my...I can remember those days of tantrums and high pitched screams. Now Josh is much better about using his words. (tee hee)

My heart goes out to you Amber..that must have been a pull your hair out moment!
I'm reminded of Trace Adkins song..."Your gonna miss this" (really, some day it will be funnier!)

Gary O said...

Happy B-day!

Ha, ha I know it wasn't funny when it was happening but.....

Thanks for sharing in the blog and for being so strong.

Love you guys,

Krisinda said...

We'll be praying for Grant's hearing tests. Let me know when they are!

Ladybug said...

Knocking a humidifier off the dresser will also set off the glass break alarm!

We will be praying about Grant's hearing!