Sunday, November 9, 2008

Nov 6-8

Sorry, I posted daily for 3 whole days and haven't done so well since. As with everything else, this is a work in progress. Please bear with me!

Anyway, truth be told, I probably haven't written because I've had a few down days lately. I haven't had any particularly cute stories to tell and so many people have done so many nice things for me this week due to my birthday that I should be thrilled. But as I've told a few good friends, sometimes the best days are the hardest. On the very best days I want to come home and tell my best friend about the wonderful things people have done for me. Then I remember how much I miss him. And the quiet closes in after the boys head to bed.

It's hard to write that kind of stuff down. I know some people really want to know how I'm doing or are in a similar situation so I'll try my best to share the tears as well as the laughter.

Thanks for reading!


Gary O said...

No pressure.

Love ya

Krisinda said...

There are good days and bad - we all have them. No one will crucify you for the bad one; we'll just love you through them!

Aunt Sherry said...

Don't you know that your "bad days" may be as much or more encouraging to people than the good days. It makes us all realize that we can get through -- even when we're not perfect. That way when others who are looking to your notes for encouragement have low days they can realize that that's real and that you have gone through it also.
Only write when you want to and/or can. We just check here to see how you're doing, and we love you no matter how often we get updates.
We don't love you because you're witty and entertaining (though you really are!!). We love you, because you're YOU!!