Monday, November 17, 2008

Sharing My Life Message

I've been using The Purpose Driven Life Daily Devotional. It is loaded with scripture and is direct, practical and applicable to daily life. Today's devotional was titled "Sharing Your Life Message." I thought that was pretty appropriate since that's more or less what I'm doing here, one day at a time. It seems like every email contains something I need to hear. Anyway, I get an awful lot from it and just wanted to share in case you're interested.

Here's a link to check it out.
If you want to sign up to receive the free daily devotional there should be a "subscription" link towards the top left of the page.

I just wanted to share. I hope you get as much out of it as I do!
God Bless!


KC said...

I LOVE this devotional email!
I've been getting it for about 6 months now too, and I LOVE, LOVE it. Good stuff!!

-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said...

Truly, I sayeth unto thee, my just and worthy liege, we all live in a FunnyFarm: planet earth. However, alleluia!! This is but our Finite Existence where we have the length of Eternity to look forward to beyond the clouds (for those of U.S. who are Christianites). So, rejoice and be joyfull, be happy! This, too, shall pass. Everything does. Shall I see you in the Great Beyond? Where will I, young lass, whose locks are as fair as the sun, where we shall slow dance till the night wanes, giving rise to the Son! Looking forward to it. God bless. Pray for me as I do you.