Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I'm Changing My Name!!!

It starts every morning the moment they wake up. "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" Grant has so many, many things to say on any given day. For some reason he just can't start right out and tell me what's on his mind. He feels the need to start every sentence by saying Mommy repeatedly until I've responded at least twice before he will go on and complete his thought. Of course little brothers have a tendency to think they should do what big brothers do so even though he's a man of few words, Isaac is also picking up this habit. Both boys are fighting with allergies or a cold so this evening so was filled with whiny versions of "Mommy," as well as a good deal of crankiness and some clinginess too!

Grant is going through another one of those phases where his bed seems to be made of rubber and every time I tuck him in it seems that he just bounces right back out again. He likes his blanket to be just so and will beg me to straighten it every time he gets back in bed. Once or twice is ok but this too can get old fast. Tonight was one of my 2 nights a week to babysit and the baby was going to sleep while Grant was still having a fit over his blanket. He had already been in enough trouble that he stayed in bed but continued to yell, "Mommy! at random intervals. Of course he managed to wake Isaac who had been sleeping peacefully in the next room. Isaac began to cry "Mommy!" This was only fuel to Grant. Every time Isaac cried out "Mommy!" Grant responded with, "MY Mommy!" Then Isaac would cry out again. Thankfully the little guy I watch can be pretty good at tuning out bigger boys that are being rotten! He went on to sleep. Whew! I wound up rocking Isaac a bit since he had gotten pretty worked up and finally convinced Grant he was on his own with his blanket and that Mommy's patience was worn thin enough that he probably shouldn't wake Isaac or the baby.

I've wanted to be a mom for as long as I can remember but occasionally the sound of "Mommy!" becomes like fingernails on a chalkboard. Periodically, on a day like today, I threaten to stop answering to Mommy and consider changing my name entirely. When I made this threat once this summer, a good friend told me that as many times as I hear "Mommy" in any given day, he's surprised I remember to answer to Amber. He's probably got a good point! Anyway, I do love my boys and am proud to be their Mommy. I am also really glad they are finally both asleep!


Momma Marine said...

Oh, Amen, sister! I have uttered those words myself, along with "I'm going on strike," and when Hunter says that I'm grounded, I reply, "okay!!" As much as it grates on the nerves at some times, it is precious to hear at other times. Gotta love those babies!!

Lori said...

oops! I was still signed in as my sister - starting a blog for her website. The comment was from me - Lori.
Take care!

AmyK said...

AMEN to that! I am glad to hear too that it's not jsut my kids that argue over MY mommy too.